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The Religious Studies program at East Carolina University facilitates internship program for interested undergraduate majors. Internships provide students with valuable experience in non-profit, educational, faith-based, governmental, and related organizations. Students interested in internship will take RELI 4900: Practicum in Religious Studies. This course allows a student to earn credit for completing 140 hours of internship work with a community agency. In addition, students must complete all written assignments, attend all class meetings (4 per semester), and write a final paper.

Sample Syllabus (PDF)

The objective of the internship is to provide student’s the opportunity to translate the knowledge and analytic skills learned in various courses into a professional and real-life context. In addition, internships provide students the opportunity to explore potential career paths and professional opportunities. Internship credits may count towards your Religious Studies electives, or towards concentration electives.

Students interested in pursuing internship should consult with their advisers to discuss how an internship bests fits into their graduation requirements and career goals. Internships should not be taken lightly since they require serious investment of much more time in order to complete the course requirements.


To be eligible, students must be Religious Studies majors and must have at least 15 semester hours in Religious Studies and have a GPA of 2.5. All internships must be approved by the Director of Religious Studies, and the Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.


Although all efforts will be made by the program to place students in internships, there is no guarantee of a placement, even if a student qualifies. The program is also willing to consider creating new placements if there is a particular place of interest to a student.

Links to Possible Internships

The Application Process

Students must complete a total of 140 hours, which averages 10 hours per week (not including Spring Break).

Agency partners will be asked to submit a mid-term evaluation of the student’s performance, as well as a final evaluation. All of these factors will be considered in computing the student’s final course grade.

Attendance at Internship Information Session: Dates TBD for Fall semester

Application and Resume: Each student must submit a professional resume by the stated deadline. Help is available at the Career Center.

Interview with Dr. Mary Nyangweso, Internship Coordinator and Director, Religious studies If the student’s resume meets the stated criteria, he or she will be invited to interview with Dr. Gardner to determine the type of placement in which the student is interested, qualifications for the placement, and to discuss any questions or concerns. Please contact if you have any questions.

Interview with the Agency Partner: Once a resume has been submitted to an agency partner, the student may be invited to interview with the agency partner. There is no guarantee the agency partner will select every student for an interview. These placements are often limited and therefore, highly competitive. If the agency partner selects you as a candidate, they will need to submit the required university documents

Application form for Internship Program (PDF)

For more information, please contact Dr. Nyangweso.